This is a continuation of my previous blog post (my perspectives on working in a small company - Part 1). Here I will list the disadvantages of working in a small company.
- Lack of resources - By resources I do not mean just in terms of money, but in terms of knowledge-base and manpower too. If a member of the team leaves or is sick, the work pressure on the others increases exponentially. Since most small company lack finance, it usually cuts down on the benefits provided to the employees.
- Not enough ideas floating around - Since the number of employees are less, you do not have much diversity in line-of-thinking. If you feel like bouncing your ideas off someone else, you will not have much choice.
- Too much work pressure - The work pressure is way too high. This usually translates into 6 days per week work days .. often with 9-10 hours per day. Though the work pressure is high, the salary and benefits provided usually do not match up to that. Most of the employers are stingy and usually play the carrot and stick game with the employees.
- Danger of office romance budding - Been there, done that, got stung in the process
. Since the number of people are less, and the office hours are long, there is a strong chance of getting involved with someone. Though it does not always have a bad ending, in my observation it affects your work a lot.
Though it may seem that a small workplace is the hunting ground of satan, it is not really so. If the employer is good, the office can be a nice place to work at. I have a small test to check if the employer is a bloodsucker or not. If he says that you have to come in on Saturdays and possibly might have to work on Sunday,it is a sure sign that the office is a sweatshop. Avoid it
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This is example of mine, where I work.
There is lots of project, teamsize is becoming small from 15 to 3 in 6 months, Lastly what happened, I leaved this job after 6 months, because not of work pressure but he torchured me everyday which result into loss of efforts on my working. I cant help myself with this enviroment and lastly leaved without having new job. I am finding the new one now and will be success.