My manager made a very good one-liner today (in context of whether we should concentrate on research or on actual implementation)
Think big and implement in small steps.
one relating to, belonging to, or resembling lunatech
My manager made a very good one-liner today (in context of whether we should concentrate on research or on actual implementation)
Think big and implement in small steps.
Seen on one of the mailing lists that I am on
I've heard it said - and find this to be true in enough cases to be useful as a rough guide - that men often try to stimulate conversation by disagreement, while women generally do the opposite (this provides a highly amusing view of teenagers' conversations involving the apposite sex, which tend to illustrate this, or something very close to it.) If so, then the Net often appears to be full of 12-year-old boys, stoned out of their minds on their brand-new experience with testosterone and desperate to be noticed.Unluckily (
Yahoo Forges Local News Offering with CBS. I am in Yahoo! Media Operations and it is hard for me to tell people exactly what I work on. However, I was a part of the team that made the news possible. Nice work!
Dear Manager,
I thank you from the bottom of my heart for approvimg my request to move my work desktop to a RedHat system. FreeBSD4 sucks donkey balls (as Eric Cartman would say). Linux is so super-sweet (even if it is RHEL)
Now to move my home directory.
Your sincere slave
Raj Shekhar