lunatechian (lunatech-ian)

one relating to, belonging to, or resembling lunatech

BMW drivers

A police officer arrives on the scene of an accident in which a BMW traveling at high speed lost control and crashed in to a guard rail along the median. The car obviously ground along the guard rail for quite a distance because the driver's side of the car was just annihilated and the driver's left arm must have been hanging out of the window during the crash, because it was severed at the elbow! As the officer approached he could hear the driver in shock, repeating, "Oh, my God - My Bimmer! Oh, my God, my poor Bimmer."
"Hey, buddy, I think you've got bigger problems that your car! Take a look at your left arm!"
The driver looks down at his severed arm, his eyes get as big as saucers and he yells, "OH MY GOD, MY ROLEX!"

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