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Unnoticed bloggers

Hiren wrote this comment on my previous entry

I come across so many blogs which have good posts but the poor guys get unnoticed. They put in so much of effort and no comments. Two recent ones are:-

I think this is best answered by this sentence from Scoble

But, Steve Gillmor has it right: this isn't a game of traffic. It's about sharing what you love.

Most of my blog posts have 0 comments, but that still does not deters me from writing. Once, I too had despaired of the '0 comments' phenomenon, but I was motivated to start blogging again when I read through the Those Cute Kids archives of Aaron. Reading through that, I thought "Wow! I too would like to have something like that" (where that means a record of the days of my life :-) ), and you know what - it is not that hard to write a blog post everyday or at least every weekend. These days, my motivation for writing blog is to keep a record of the highlights or the lowlights of a day or sometimes to record something new that I learnt that day (or in most cases, that week).

Coming back to Hiren's point of undiscovered bloggers, I guess those bloggers are driven by their own motivations. Or it might be the case that they are writing for their own family and close friends. If their idea is to be an A-list blogger (hehe), there are gazillion of pages dedicated to that too.

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  1. Everybody has their reasons for why they blog. It's not a popularity contest if that's what they're after they should persue other avenues for their 15 minutes to fame! My advice to these people is that they have better chance in being selected for a stupid reality show (I meant Survivor here not The _Amazing_ _Race_ ;-) )
    But despite the fact; if you are writing about what you really believe in or are passionate about.... It's like sex... better be in the game than stand out and watch!
    • Posted byHiren
    • on
    What I meant by that comment was that ability has to be supported by visibility. The more the people who are able to witness and share the good things the better it is isnn't it.

    Otherwise, blogging is a good experience by itself.I totally aggree.

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