lunatechian (lunatech-ian)

one relating to, belonging to, or resembling lunatech

Base Camp - Day 2

On day 2, we again assembled for morning exercises and sending off of another group. This day was for rappelling and rock climbing. I had done rappelling earlier and I was quite excited about doing it again, the adrenaline kick is really nice :-D. We got to the place where we were to do our rappelling. We had to climb down a rock face. The instructor quickly guided us on the basics and showed us how to use the rope to get down. Some of the participants were uneasy, but eventually all of them did it.

We got back to our camp and had lunch. The next session was rock climbing. I was really looking forward to this. We had to climb a rock face which was inclined at an almost 60 degree angle. The instructor showed us how we were to find toe and hand holds in the rock. As a safety precaution, he used attached a rope around the waist of the participant who was climbing. It was simply great. 10 times more thrilling than rappelling.

We came back to the camp and had our evening tea. We packed our rucksacks and had to deposit our luggage in the cloak room. We had our rucksacks checked by Mr. Chauhan. He advised me dump all my woolen sweated (I had packed one) and just use my jacket for protection. This was good advice. He also asked me to leave my towel, as the water near the top was too cold to have a bath. So, I left my towel at the base camp itself - this did not turn out to be a good idea (also inert obvious H2G2 reference here :-) ) .

I spent that evening idling next to the river and I loved every moment of being away from Bangalore. Again, there was dinner at 7:30 and a campfire, after which we went off to sleep in our tents.

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