Entries tagged as humour
the cows heard
NURSE PIGGY: Where did we get this patient from?
DR. BOB: Oh. Well, she was found with a bunch of cows.
NURSE PIGGY: Not bunch. Herd.
DR. BOB: Herd of what?
NURSE PIGGY: Herd of cows.
DR. BOB: Sure, I've heard of cows.
NURSE PIGGY: No, no, no. I mean the cows herd.
DR. BOB: I don't care if the cows heard. I haven't said anything to be
ashamed of.
Which Fantasy/SciFi Character Are You?
real world rules!
I was checking the scrapbook of some people on Orkut. My findings if you are a female, here is what you will see in your scrapbook
- hello XYZ this is abhijeet I belong to banglore but live in rajasthan I like to be in touch with new people
- hi i am from Foobar. can i be ur friend? see my profile and plz tell me ur reply
- hi XYZ wanna b frnds
- poems
- ascii art
- copy-paste stuff (jokes/stupid poems/stupid puzzles) from emails
- hai fine? actually i saw ur cute still fine, ur studying where and see my profile about me and first make friendship then yeah fine ok cute send me a scrap.
If you are a male, don't expect anything to come into your Orkut scrapbook - thank god for small mercies.
And while I am in the rant mode - guys, here is a message from sanity department. Please take time to get to know the Real World. It is better to know girls in the Real World as opposed to trying to pick frnds in the Orkut forums. There are people I know who masquerade as girls on the forums - to serve as good material for jokes to pass time in the boring meetings.
The names have been changed to protect the fucking idiots. Am I the only one left in the world who is pedantic about spellings :-/
one ring
One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them,
One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them
One ring
The one ring is available cheap now

funny quotes
Original Jesus Official Random Quote (TM)
Why do people keep asking, "What would Jesus do?" How the hell should I know? I died for you, damnit! Haven't I done enough for you already? Pop gave you free will for a reason; make your own decisions!
— 'Original Jesus on the tribulations of being Himself.
This is taken from some blog
"Where do you see yourself in five years time?"
"I don't know - I don't have any special powers like that."
RFC 1984
RFC 1984 is Internet Architecture Board (IAB) and the Internet Engineering Steering Group (IESG) Statement on Cryptographic Technology and the Internet.