I arranged my closet and I found out that I have more shirts than t-shirts. Luckily, I have only one pair of pants and 6 pairs of jeans, so I am not handing back my geek badge anytime soon
Entries tagged as humour
nice facebook error page
So, if your user agent is curl or lynx, you will get this facebook error page.
You are using an incompatible web browser.
Sorry, we're not cool enough to support your browser. Please keep it real with one of the following browsers:
- Mozilla Firefox
- Opera
- Safari
- Microsoft Internet Explorer
- Flock
interesting spam
This is from a spam I got recently. It had "Viagra" spelled out using table (like an 8x8 display). Interesting
quote of the day
Question: If Jesus Christ comes back, will he enjoy Family Guy? Answer: No
Seen in one of our internal mailing list
> Hypothesis: There's a correlation between not sucking at one's job and being
professional, observant, considerate and honest.
Disproved: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hans_Reiser
I want to be an engineer
Release of PythonOnPlanes-1.3.07 aka. SuperSunday release
What is PythonOnPlanes ?
PythonOnPlanes is a rapid development framework for Python which uses commonly known design patterns like ActiveRecord, Association Data Mapping, Front Controller and MVC. Our primary goal is to provide a structured framework that enables Python users at all levels to rapidly develop robust web applications, without any loss to flexibility.
See the Features list below to learn more about the framework.
Release Announcement
The Release Engineering Team is happy to announce the availability of PythonOnPlanes-1.3.07 , the latest release of the PythonOnPlanes Stable development branch. Since PythonOnPlanes-1.3.06 release we have made many improvements in functionality, stability, performance, and mod_snake_oil support for Apache web servers, as well as dealt with known security issues and made many bugfixes.
Major highlights in the release include Active Scrum Manager 1, Sanity Preserver 3.13 and Lart 22.21. This is also the first release with the PythonOnPlanes Live CD Installer officially debuting on the x86 platform.
The software development world is moving towards AGILE DEVELOPMENT, WEB-2.OH, GURU PRESENCE and LEAN SOFTWARE. Our Framework is geared to support all these features.
"Out of the box" features available
Out of the box PythonOnPlanes supports
- Sprint Management
- Pair programming using an editor that can be shared by 2 developers. We have named it ALN (Analog Large Notebook)
- LoC2LoC to generate a report on each developer's productivity.
- Active Suggest DESIGN PATTERN (ASDP). This feature will make your refactoring efforts a snap
Beta Experimental Features
These features are not enabled by default and you have to enable them by editing the configuration file.
- Developers' Blog . Each developer in the team is given a blog which he can update. If enabled, PythonOnPlanes will generate a daily report of the developer activity log and post it on the blog too
- CutesyErrorMessages-0.0.1-BETA. This replaces stern error messages with very user friendly messages
GET PythonOnPlanes-1.3.07 IN NO TIME
Download PythonOnPlanes-1.3.07 from <http://pythononplanes.com/>