lunatechian (lunatech-ian)

one relating to, belonging to, or resembling lunatech

touching pic from postsecret about a pet

taken from

This image really touched me. In my mind's eye, I can see the image of a dog waiting for his end and looking around to find someone he trusts to console him and not finding him there for him. If I had a pet and if I had to euthanize him, I would have left the room too, as it would have been hard for me. However, after seeing this pic, I am sure I will not leave. I am a great believer in keeping trust and "being there" for family, friends and people who trust me. Leaving the pet alone when he is about to die would be a selfish decision and a breaking of the trust a pet has for his owner.


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    • Posted byk
    • on
    we're about to put my cat down. i hope they let me stay in the room while he leaves us.... :-(
    • Posted byMike
    • on
    Very interesting form of showing people what death of an animal is. Some people just don't understand that animals also have feelings and could feel alone and abandon.

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