lunatechian (lunatech-ian)

one relating to, belonging to, or resembling lunatech

Mon Sep 29

In the morning I had to visit to the VFS office in Bangalore. The place has very strict security. I was carrying my laptop and the security person at the gate did not allow me to go in :-(. The man at the parking section said he could keep the bag, but he wanted 50 Rupees for that. I really lost my head when he told me the amount. Anyhow, I did not think it would be safe to leave the laptop with him. I will have to visit that office tomorrow again.

Due to time taken to visit the VFS office, I could not do much work at the office.

I had woken up at 6:00 AM today and that had given me enough time in the morning to do some emacs hacking. I really should spend time on learning lisp instead of copying stuff from random places.

Today my trainer at the gym changed my exercise schedule. It became quite grilling. However, I was able to get through the workout. Hopefully in 2-3 days time, I would be able to breeze through the workout.

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  1. Following are some good links worth checking out, if you wanna hack in Emacs Lisp:

    XahLee's Emacs Lisp Tutorials

    Introduction to Emacs Lisp


    (happy-hacking 'lunatech)
  2. Thanks ashish. I find Xah's articles very rambling though. I am reading through the Elisp manual these days.
    • Posted bySonika
    • on
    Funny.. Delhi Ones Allowed me to take laptop inside after checking the contents of bag..
    I just told them I'm not leaving it with Baggage Counter.. yes they have that here too..
    Was it the US one??
    I have been to UK and French ones
  3. I had to go to the USA one. I went there again the next day without the laptop at 8:30 in the morning and got my queries answered in 15 minutes.

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