This tip saved a lot of pain.
If the application you're switching to has windows that are minimized, you can unminimize them by holding the option key, then letting go of the Cmd key.
one relating to, belonging to, or resembling lunatech
This tip saved a lot of pain.
If the application you're switching to has windows that are minimized, you can unminimize them by holding the option key, then letting go of the Cmd key.
Thanks to Lig for tagging me. 7 things you may or may not know about me:
knowing you can still understand output from diff, even though it has been months you touched any code.
I tried installing linux on my SO's (significant other) laptop today. WHAT IS WRONG WITH UBUNTU!! It takes ages to load up and the install process is resource intensive enough to make the laptop totally unresponsive. Finally installed Fedora and I am not happy with it. I will install debian for her, once I find out where to get blank CD here.