A gathering of geeks
Yesterday I attended a meeting of a few fellow-geeks. The points that make a geek gathering different from normal people's gatherings are
- The idea of the meeting was conceived on an IRC channel
- More time was spent on planning what to do, than the time spent on actually doing
- People kept referring to each other by their IRC nicks
- Pictures were taken using a mobile camera
- After the geeks had a shot of beer/vodka, they started debatng the OO capabilities in Python, history of python, squeak and other obscure topics.
- And of course, how can I forget the debate on which CMS rules - mambo/Drupal or Plone
Firefox 1.0
Firefox 1.0 got released yesterday. Yay !! If you have not downloaded it as yet, get it and reclaim the web. Google has put up a firefox on their search too. . Surprisingly BBC is covering the launch too. Officially, Firefox is not "just for geeks " anymore. Welcome abroad unwashed masses. Here is the list of newspapaers covering firefox launch.
While reading through the talkback pages at mozila, I saw that most people were having trouble getting Firefox from their local mirrors (which I guess had not gotten updated) or in accessing the Mozilla's website. Well, I took the easy route and just used the torrent to download my favourite browser. It was the first time I used torrent, and i must add I was amazed at how easy the whole process. Bittornado put a nice GUI and a easy to understand interface to the whole process.
There is a Bloglines Web Services (BWS) . Never knew about it . In another news, I discovered a nice skin for my wiki. \0/ One of my friends has launched a new blog devoted to books, music and movies. If you are a geek who enjoys reading and movies, have a look or volunteer to participate in the effort
My wiki
I have been experimenting with a few wikis for my site. A great place to look for your wiki needs is the Wiki Engines page on the WikiWik (which incidentally was the first wiki). I have settled for Pmwiki, which you can see here. My reasons for choosing the Pmwiki are
- Written in PHP and released under GPL
- Does not need a database backend to run
- Easy to understand documentation
- Customizations are in a separate configuration file
- InterMap capabilities to provide links to other WikiWikiWeb systems
- Ability to organize pages into WikiGroups, with headers and access controls shared among all pages in the group