lunatechian (lunatech-ian)

one relating to, belonging to, or resembling lunatech

British pensioners regret not having more sex, says poll.

He-he .. look at this. British pensioners regret not having more sex, says poll.

Seven out of 10 people aged 65 and over said they would make more time to make love if they could have their days again.


Sex was followed by travelling the world (57 per cent) and changing professions (43 per cent) as the most popular wishes pensioners had if they could go back in time.

Other regrets included saving for a pension (40 per cent), standing up to their boss (33 per cent), marry someone else (21 per cent), spending more cash on luxuries (19 per cent) and setting up a business (16 per cent).

You have heard what the more experienced have to say. Now go out and have more sex and travel more - leave those angle brackets alone for now :-)

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