Originally posted Sat, 18 Oct 2003
This news article at BBC has a list of things that cause loss of data. The list reads more like The Foolish Things we do with our computers.
- Laptop shot in anger
- PC thrown out the window to destroy evidence before police arrived
- Laptop fell off a moped and was run over by lorry
- Laptop dropped in bath while doing company accounts
- Stolen PCs rescued after three weeks in a river
- Red wine spilt on laptop over dinner
- Server rescued after running unchecked 24/7 for years under layers of dust and dirt
- Computer thrown against a wall
- Latte-covered laptop rescued
- Laptop left on car roof as owner drives off
The article also asks its readers to share how they lost their data. The stories are funny. My favourite
My mother was so infuriated that she couldn't get something to print, she proceeded to completely rip the keyboard and mouse out of the sockets and throw them out the window.The worst I treated my computer was when I once kicked it to make it go faser. I realized later that a better way is to simply switch from using Windows to Linux

Defined tags for this entry: humour
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