Entries tagged as link
I discover wonderful things through webcomics. Today, I was reading this comic, where I saw a mention of Miyamoto Musashi. I checked out his wikipedia entry, where a I found a link to his book The Book of Five Rings and that is what I am reading now.
making glossy, dark button

BLUG - whatever happened to it
Back in Delhi, we had a very good Linux User Group (LUG). When I came to Bangalore, I had expected the LUG here to be even more active. However, I was very disappointed - the BLUG had been dissolved and replaced by totally listless BoF (beards of feathers) meets. Kingsly has posted a good summary about the state of affairs. Seems like too much politics was involved.
yahoo whoring
Since everyone has been busy drinking the Google kool-aid and simply going in an orgasm over the Google Gulp, I will take the road less travelled and point out the Yahoo Slacker here.
A bit of Mozilla-goodness overdose today. Discovered del.icio.us > PHP yesterday, saw quite a few interesting links on it today and have taken the RSS feed for it now. One of the links was XUL: rendering GUIs with PHP, which has a load of useful links and ideas.