lunatechian (lunatech-ian)

one relating to, belonging to, or resembling lunatech


I hope this is the end of it :-)

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    • Posted byAnonymous
    • on
    No, this isn't the end of it.
  1. I knew you would take a big sigh of relief upon hearing the news. Because god knows if it took the turn the other way around, it would have been like Luke Skywalker working for the evil emperor Palpatine just because daddy told him to :-(
    In that case I know that Luke would not have been happy, and would be considering early retirement!
    But, I want to say this; even with my unsolicited loyalty to MSFT, and my affection to YHOO, and the fact I always fancied this to become a reality, this union does seem to create much more problems than solving any (at least for the moment).
    Despite, this statement, I would still say what I've been saying for the past 2 years, its no longer a question of if , but when

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