Humor in the bookstore
Guns and Roses
Today is my Significant Other's birthday. Some measure of romance was added by these flowers that I put on the bedside for her in the morning
I treated her to a full day of fun.
First, I took her shopping to a few of her favorite stores and gracefully took the burnt .
Next stop was at the shooting range, where we fired some rounds.
Today also happened to be the Halloween. We dressed up for the night and had dinner at a nice San Francisco restaurant on Valencia street. In case you are wondring, I dressed up as a well groomed man-witch. Throughout the dinner we were entertained by the Halloween party goers in their well done costumes.
Shadow and light
Saw this beautiful sight on my way to the office.
I also saw a rather worrying sight. The car ahead of me changed lanes near a traffic light in a slightly wobbly manner. I slowed down and peeked inside the car to see what was going on. The "driver" had a book open on the steering wheel and was reading that.