lunatechian (lunatech-ian)

one relating to, belonging to, or resembling lunatech

wasted youth

Taken from Kevin Sites in hotzone

  "I feel like we lost the best years of our lives," he says. "We
  weren't able to have any fun, and now today in Iran, what can we do?
  We just want to play our music. I mean, Madonna says time goes so
  slowly. But here in Iran time goes so fast... We're running out of
  "Why are you running out of time?" I ask.
  "Because we're getting old," he says.

The last two lines capture the essence of what I feel when I see a group of college students in a pub, trying to console one their friends who has had a broken relationship.

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I like that old time rock'n' roll

Yesterday night I was surfing through the idiotbox to see if there were any good cartoons playing when I came across the series Recess playing on Disney channel (or it might have been Nickeledon).

In the part that I saw,one of tha characters, Vince (an athlete) had come to realize that his brother whom he had always thought to be a cool , was actually a geek. Vince was devastated by this discovery and was sharing his anguish with his friends. He thought it was only a matter of time till genetics kicked in and he too would transform into a geek.

I am not sure how old the serial was, my rough estimate is 4-5 years old. It made me realize how at one time geek was a derogatory term. However being a geek is an fashionable thing now. People whose only claim-to-geekdom is that they have a Moveable Type blog (updated hourly) proudly proclaim to be a geek.

Just take those old records off the shelf
I'll sit and listen to 'em by myself
Today's music aln 't got the same soul
I like that old time rock 'n' roll
Don't try to take me to a disco
You'll never even get me out on the
In ten minutes I'll be late for the door
I like that old time rock'n' roll
                    ----- Old Time Rock & Roll - Bob Seger 

I too like the old definition of geeks - the ones that write php/perl/pyhton one liners, who know the language specs (or at least the urls where the specs live), or those who know arcane geometrical and calculus formulas and so on. Someone who know their subject deeply. In my opinion, blogging and podcasting(and other web 2.0 shiny objects) are so shallow subjects that even thought you may know the nuances of them well, I will not consider you to be a geek. But that is just my opinion.

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Reflections on 2005

Thanks to Sachac for pointing out this list of questions to review your year.

What did I learn this year?

Let me see. On the technical side I learnt quite a lot.

  • a bit of Perl
  • quite a lot of MySQL
  • new things in PHP, especially related to web services and graphs
  • lots of new stuff related to high availability and failover
  • lots of new stuff in troubleshooting

On the non technical side, I did not learn much

  • I finally read The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.
  • I started taking steps to manage my time well. I am following the Getting Things Done forums and mailing lists, picking up great tips from them but have yet to read THE BOOK. It was this year that I learnt about emacs-planner for managing tasks
  • I read a few management type books, they are not that bad

The lessons of life that I learnt this year

  • I am much better than I think I am :-D
  • Family support and good friends are the most important assets that someone can have
  • Don't try to get stereotyped
  • An idea does not have to be big, it has to change the world
  • It is a good idea to write and publish about every new thing that I learn.

What did I accomplish this year?

Quite a lot, if I can say that myself :-)

  • Got selected to be a part of Yahoo! Bangalore
  • Moved from Delhi to Bangalore and established a household here :-)
  • One of the interns I mentored got selected to become a regular employee
  • Got published in webzines
  • Kickstarted the PHPC Gazette, which is still in its infancy but I am sure something good will come out of it
  • Wrote articles on my website that proved useful to a bunch of people
  • Spoke on Y! webservice at Freedel
  • Got a good year end appraisal :-)
  • Discovered Terry Pratchett

Which accomplishments am I proudest of?

  • Getting selected to be a part of Yahoo! bangalore
  • Kickstarting the PHPC Gazette

Knowing what I know now, what would I have done differently in the past year?

Let me see.

  • Written more articles
  • Written more code for my favourite free software
  • Read more Terry Pratchett

What will be my greatest lasting memories of this year?

  • Getting selected into Yahoo!. Absolutely something that I will always remember.
  • Moving to Bangalore from Delhi

In what ways did I contribute?

Not in as many ways as I would have liked to, just in small ways

  • Helped my previous colleague in taking over from where I left off
  • Started the PHPC Gazette
  • Submitted one patch for AMO. I should have done more :-(
  • Answered a bunch of questions on php-general, linux-delhi and some other mailing lists and IRC channels.
  • Supported my brother and sister for this year

What were my biggest challenges or obstacles?

  • Not enough time management
  • I am not punctual
  • I am not caring about my health, even though I am aware that it might give me trouble later in life

What obstacles did I overcome?

  • Reduced the time I spend in the office from 16 hours to 9 hours, though this change took place only in December
  • Established a household in a new city

How am I different now than I was at the start of the year?

  • I am more confident than I was when the year started
  • I am more willing to voice my disagreements, both in person and over email
  • I have stopped saying RTFM to questions now
  • I am fatter :-)
  • I know how to better manage my time now (but this is still a ongoing struggle )

What am I most grateful for?

  • The support of my family
  • My job

What else do I want to reflect on?

I should have contributed more to Free Software projects than I do now, and by contributing I mean more in terms of code. I need to figure out a way to fit exercise in my schedule and lose weight.

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ImageMagick magic

I am experimenting a bit with ImageMagick. Here is a neat trick that I found. Suppose that you have an image (79.gif) and you want to make an ecard out of it, i.e a montage where 79.gif should appear on the left and your message to the recipient on the right. Here is how you can do it E:\>convert -font arial -pointsize 30 label:"The answer as always is\n42" miff:- | montage -tile 2x1 79.gif - myecard.png

The convert part creates a text label (with your message) and sends the output to the STDOUT , which is piped to the montage command. Montage takes care of stitching the message and the image together. Currently, the 79.gif loses its original resolution and gets resized to the label size. I will update this post further if I find out how to make it retain the original size. This is a good place to start if you are interested

Update : convert -font arial -pointsize 30 label:"The answer as always is\n42" miff:- | montage -geometry +2+1 79.jpg - myecard.png preserves the size of the original image and adds the message to the right of the image as well

Update : convert -size 1200x1600 xc:white -font arial -pointsize 40 -gravity Center -annotate +30+90 "Wishing you a very\nProsperous and a happy 2006\n \n From\n-- Lunatech" -trim +repage miff:- | montage -geometry +2+1 79.jpg - -quality 95 myecard.png does the job. I have added the quality 95 to bring down the file size of the myecard.png

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Interesting quotes from "You and Your Research" talk by Richard Hamming

  • Another trait, it took me a while to notice. I noticed the following facts about people who work with the door open or the door closed. I notice that if you have the door to your office closed, you get more work done today and tomorrow, and you are more productive than most. But 10 years later somehow you don't know quite know what problems are worth working on; all the hard work you do is sort of tangential in importance. He who works with the door open gets all kinds of interruptions, but he also occasionally gets clues as to what the world is and what might be important. Now I cannot prove the cause and effect sequence because you might say, ``The closed door is symbolic of a closed mind.'' I don't know. But I can say there is a pretty good correlation between those who work with the doors open and those who ultimately do important things, although people who work with doors closed often work harder. Somehow they seem to work on slightly the wrong thing - not much, but enough that they miss fame.
  • Well I now come down to the topic, ``Is the effort to be a great scientist worth it?'' To answer this, you must ask people. When you get beyond their modesty, most people will say, ``Yes, doing really first-class work, and knowing it, is as good as wine, women and song put together,'' or if it's a woman she says, ``It is as good as wine, men and song put together.'' And if you look at the bosses, they tend to come back or ask for reports, trying to participate in those moments of discovery. They're always in the way. So evidently those who have done it, want to do it again. But it is a limited survey. I have never dared to go out and ask those who didn't do great work how they felt about the matter. It's a biased sample, but I still think it is worth the struggle. I think it is very definitely worth the struggle to try and do first-class work because the truth is, the value is in the struggle more than it is in the result. The struggle to make something of yourself seems to be worthwhile in itself. The success and fame are sort of dividends, in my opinion.