lunatechian (lunatech-ian)

one relating to, belonging to, or resembling lunatech

creating org-mode TODOs from wanderlust emails

If you are one of those five people in the world who use Emacs' wanderlust for email and org-mode, then you might find this tip useful. To create TODO items from emails, use the org-capture template. Below is the template that I use

(setq org-capture-templates '(("t" "Todo" entry
                              (file+headline "~/org/" "Tasks")
  " TODO %^{Brief Description} %^g\n%?\nAdded: %U" :prepend t)
                             ("j" "Journal" entry
  (file+headline "~/dump/" "")
  "\n %^{topic} %T \n%i%?\n" :prepend t)
                             ("e" "Email Todo" entry
                              (file+headline "~/org/" "Tasks")
                              "* TODO %^{Brief Description}\n%a\n%?Added: %U\n" :prepend t)

When you are reading an email and you want to create a TODO item from it, just do M-x org-capture and select the Email Todo (e).


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