lunatechian (lunatech-ian)

one relating to, belonging to, or resembling lunatech

2012-02-28 - thoughtstream

Here is a quote (slightly paraphrased) that I have seen people throw around a bit

Let us be like Apple and make our app simple. We will not allow users to change this and this, and obviously, we have no need to expose this setting to them in any way.
As someone who has used Apple products for some time now, I have never found Apple devices to restrict what users could configure or change. Almost every Apple device has a "System Preferance" and you can tweak a lot of settings from there. Of course, most of Apple devices are pretty usable out of the box. I have not used an iPhone for a long time, but my experience with Macbook is that it is extremely customizable. I can say the same about the Apple TV.

I think if an artifact meets either of the following criteria, it can be called art

  • Something that shakes me out of a rut and see something ordinary with a new perspective
  • something that can bring joy
  • something that can inspire


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    • Posted bySaurabh Chowdhury
    • on
    But then Apple sold more iPhones last year than it has sold Macs in 28 years.
    Oh Yes! I'm still subscribed to your blog :-)
    • Posted byRaj Shekhar
    • on
    Haha. Thanks dude!

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