lunatechian (lunatech-ian)

one relating to, belonging to, or resembling lunatech

Praise for the Bangalore Police

Some 2 days back, I was returning home from work. On that fateful day, the narrow street of Bangalore was further narrowed by a truck carrying a huge idol of Ganesha being taken for immersion.

The street was totally jampacked and I had given up all hope of getting back home in less than an hour. However, much to my surprise the Bangalore traffic police did a great job of clearing a way through the street packed with dancers and devotees so that the people returning back from the office could pass through. Had this been in Delhi, the police would have simply given up and waited for the procession to clear up on its own accord. Given the limited road space in Bangalore and the heavy monsoons here, it is really great to see the traffic police managing the resources so well.

I hope the Bangalore traffic police keeps up the good work.


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    • Posted byryn rao
    • on
    I travel every day in the ring road of Hebbal to Marathhally,as I read in one of the newspaper that the trucks movement in the morning hrs ie 8am to 11am and evening hrs is restricted,where as the restrictions are really not implemented reason I find every day there is traffic jam in this strech due to this,Any actions can be expected by BTP

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