lunatechian (lunatech-ian)

one relating to, belonging to, or resembling lunatech

a letter to my friends

My dear friends,

I know you love me and wish me well. I know Orkut has this feature where you can mail all your friends in one click, but if you really consider me such a special friend, do take some time out to send me a separate email. Or better still, give me a call. If you cannot be bothered enough to do this much for your friends, please don't flood their mail boxes with generic greetings. No one reads them, and you really should not bother sending such emails. If you feel like you are doing a disservice to your friends by not sending them even generic greetings, trust me, no one really cares.

Thanks for reading till the end,
Your grumpy friend,
raj shekhar

PS: I will still love you even if you don't send me an email greeting.


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  1. Amen!

    The goes for all those generic sms too. In fact, I have started a virtual boycott of wishing of any occasions to anybody via anything other than a one-to-one talk/phone.

    I now hate wishing people for any public occasions. It is just getting all so meaningless by the day.

    - Sandip

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