lunatechian (lunatech-ian)

one relating to, belonging to, or resembling lunatech

Mon Oct 20 2008

I woke up rather late today (around 8 AM). I have been suffering from back pain for the past 3 days. Hopefully, it should get better tomorrow. This has made me miss my workout.

Today I started on the G. M. Diet to reduce my weight. I have been eating fruit for the whole day. This is supposed to help the body to detox. I did not have a carving for any other food. I hope I am able to get through the one week of this diet plan successfully.

Surprisingly, it rained a lot in the afternoon today, but the weather was pleasant.

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I have created a emacs major mode, called lunatech-journal, that I use for blogging. It is a derived mode from muse-mode, an excellent mode for writing and publishing.

Currently, it has following functions defined

  • lunatech-journal-skeleton - loads a skeleton for blogging
  • lunatech-journal-show-hints - shows a buffer with questions to help me blog about my day
  • lunatech-journal-make-html - creates a html file from the muse-mode
  • lunatech-journal-preview - allows me to preview my journal in the browser

I use a php script to post the blog entry to the website. To use it, I have the following in my .emacs file

(defun journal ()
  (find-file "~/blog/journal.muse")
(require 'lunatech-journal)
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("journal\\.muse\\'" . lunatech-journal-mode))

When I feel the need to blog, I do M-x journal, I get dropped into my journal file and I can blog.


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