lunatechian (lunatech-ian)

one relating to, belonging to, or resembling lunatech

Got my copy

Look what I got in my mail today :-) . Bought it second hand at amazon. I am so pleased to see this is a hardcover edition. 6 bucks really well spent.

Caching is not a silver bullet

Let us take a this hypothetical situation. You have to serve a web page. You want the whole page to be sent back in 500 ms (milliseconds). If your user has a good network and he is not too far from your webserver, you can further assume that around 50 ms will be spent on the network. This means that you have 450 ms to collect all the data about this web request, do the fancy manipulations (sorting/filtering/updating files etc.) and serve it to the user. You need to make four external calls to get this data - 2 of them to an external web service and 2 of them to your own database.

Now assume that one of your external webservice calls take one second to send back the result 50% of the time and one of your database queries can take upto a second to give back the result 25% of the time. What will you do to make sure none of your users ever have to wait for more than 500 ms to get back the page? (500 ms excludes the time taken to download the images/css/do fancy javascript magic).

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Humor in the bookstore

"Atlas Shrugged" placed in the Humor section in the bookstore. The book on the left is "Undateable" and on the right is "11002 things to be miserable about". I salute the joker who did this - I liked the joke.
Humor in the bookstore

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Yoda was supposed to be a monkey

When George Lucas and screenwriter Lawrence Kasdan decided to make the ancient Jedi at the heart of Luke's spiritual journey into a two-foot tall, pointy-eared alien, it wasn't clear how the character could actually be realized on screen using 1980 technology. At the time, animatronic technology wasn't thought to be advanced enough to pull off Yoda. .... they decided to try putting a trained monkey in a Yoda costume, including a full Yoda face mask. Rinzler showed a picture of the monkey on set, but he explained this idea was quickly abandoned when one of the people who worked on the primate scenes in 2001: A Space Odyssey pointed out "Look, the monkey's just going to pull off the mask over and over again. It's never going to work."

In the picture, a monkey is outfitted with a cane and a mask and measured. The simian was also briefly considered for walking shots of Minch-Yoda that would have been impossible to execute with a puppet.

Pic taken from Vanity Fair

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make apt-get skip some packages in upgrade

When doing an apt-get upgrade on my Debian (Lenny) box yesterday I received this message

Since release 150, udev requires that support for the CONFIG_SYSFS_DEPRECATED feature is disabled in the running kernel. Please upgrade your kernel before or while upgrading udev.

This was holding back the upgrade of all the packages. Looked around a bit and it seems that the solution for this problem is to let apt know that we do not want to upgrade the udev package. The way to do this is echo "udev hold"|dpkg --set-selections and then run apt-get upgrade

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I wore a pair of torn jeans to office today. I was trying to look fashionable, but I later saw that I was wearing a torn jacket as well. I hope I did not project an image of someone-who-does-not-get-paid-enough.

I watched the pilot of the X-Files tonight. Memorable quote

What I find fantastic is any notion that there are answers beyond the realm of science. The answers are there. You just have to know where to look.

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