lunatechian (lunatech-ian)

one relating to, belonging to, or resembling lunatech

My wiki

I have been experimenting with a few wikis for my site. A great place to look for your wiki needs is the Wiki Engines page on the WikiWik (which incidentally was the first wiki). I have settled for Pmwiki, which you can see here. My reasons for choosing the Pmwiki are

  • Written in PHP and released under GPL
  • Does not need a database backend to run
  • Easy to understand documentation
  • Customizations are in a separate configuration file
  • InterMap capabilities to provide links to other WikiWikiWeb systems
  • Ability to organize pages into WikiGroups, with headers and access controls shared among all pages in the group

Link to my wiki

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using google api from PHP

Now available for your downloading pleasure, is my GoogleSoap class. have you eveer felt the sudden need to use the Google's web APIs through PHP ? Worry not as help is at hand. You can use the GoogleSoap class to make your job easier. I have put the code and related documentation/examples in the public domain, so you can hack it up further. Some rudimentary instructions are included in the README file, I will add more to it as and when time permits me. Any additions/suggestions are always welcome.

Get the code here

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why code maintainance sucks

I have had to work on updating someone else's code for a few days now. The code was a headache to read because

  • It was not formatted to conform to my coding standard ... in fact it did not conform to any coding standards.
  • There was no version control ... oh wait, yes there was version control. It was version control by commenting out unwanted code. So I had to scroll through screenfuls to commented out code. I must take a moment to thank the programmers of Anjuta IDE, which helped me a lot a with their excellent syntax highlighting. Here is how you delete code.
  • Did I say there was no version control. There was a version control system. It looked almost like this
  • There was no comments.
  • There were spelling mistakes in variable names
  • PHP code and HTML were mixed
  • there was more .. i have forgotten it.

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I have been reading the Web 2.0 post archives. A quote by Cory Dotcrow which stands out

Tech companies need to understand that easy copying of media on-line is not a bug to be fixed. It's a property of the Internet. They're convincing the world that this is a problem, and we need to fix that.
I would rank it up there alongwith the William Gibson quote
The future is here. It's just not widely distributed yet.

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Hyperlinks with LaTeX

I am big fan of Texinfo for writing articles or any other documentations work (yes, I do sometimes try to write the specification document). For a few weeks now, I have been trying to learn LaTeX, sice it can be used to typeset good quality presentation slides and letters too.

A problem that I faced when writing the articles in LaTeX was on how to make a hyperlink to a webpage. I was using latex2html to convert the latex file to HTML format. LaTeX comes with a hyperref package which can be used to create links. It has a \href command which can be used to create hyperlinks, but the links did not come out in the HTML page. I found that this was a known problem with hyperref and latex2html. However, the solution, as I found out, is much easier. The command to use is \htmladdnormallink{link text}{universal resource locator} You have to include the package html in your document to use it

The text of this article can be downloaded from our
\htmladdnormallink{web site}{}.

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A bit of Mozilla-goodness overdose today. Discovered > PHP yesterday, saw quite a few interesting links on it today and have taken the RSS feed for it now. One of the links was XUL: rendering GUIs with PHP, which has a load of useful links and ideas.

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