lunatechian (lunatech-ian)

one relating to, belonging to, or resembling lunatech

In the A Note To Employers: 8 Things Intelligent People, Geeks and Nerds Need To Work Happily , the author has given this definition of a geek

definition of a geek : Anyone who understands how to leverage todays technology to increase intelligence, productivity and efficiency; anyone who stays up nights working to get better at what they do; anyone whose job is their life - is a geek.

While coming to work today, I was thinking about it and I extended that defination to a hacker

hacker is someone who takes the technology one step forward

As I was thinking about this, lo and behold guess who passed right infront of me - bluesmoon himself. Pure serendipity.

Link: A Note To Employers: 8 Things Intelligent People, Geeks and Nerds Need To Work Happily


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  1. Can you please fix the link :-)
    • Posted by;-)
    • on
    Yeah fix the link already... would ya?
    Some keyboards don't have the delete key.
    defination of a geek: someone who can spell "definition"
  2. Done! Thanks guys.

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